Babe, total babe! That's the first thing I think of when I look at her pictures. She has this thing about her that is so mystifying! I think it is a mixture of confidence, edginess, rebelliousness, beauty and attitude! I legitimately read all her answers, and took her advice... because, who wouldn't?? Look at this girl!
Age: 26
Lives: today Los Angeles, CA. tomorrow Atlanta, GA. literally I move tomorrow.
With her boyfriend, Andy LaPlegua, singer of CombiChrist. (I must admit, they are super adorable...)
Dreams: I live them everyday. I’m a serious go getter. I live by my rules and accomplish my dreams.
Interests: recently I just noticed how amazing I feel when I help a lost soul. I'm making it a point to help one person a day. I am in the process of moving and was getting rid of so many clothes. I planned to just do the regular drop off by the goodwill, and I actually dropped them off to this lady I saw and her smile will be tattooed in my mind forever. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful, and I know I made her day.
Beauty product must-have: Okay no joke ORGANIC NIPPLE CREAM ladies!! It’s a natural lip plumper and softener I swear by it!!! I get it at whole foods.
Favorite tattoo you have: I have been admiring my Steve Byrne Gypsy Head just today.. His style and use of color is amazing. Traditional and Bold! (Steve Byrne tattoo at Rock of Ages in Austin, Texas)
Favorite stores: I’m an online shopper. I love to get things out of the norm. I am a shoe whore!!! So lately I have just been buying whatever Iron Fist comes out with. They are regulars on my list.
Favorite designers? Givenchy. I have worked for them for the past 3 years and really love the story and history of the brand. I admire Audrey Hepburn like most girls do but working for the company and seeing the brand grow do delicately throughout the times its really a beautiful story.
Tattooer favorite: I really love Henning Jorgensen’s work and haven’t had the pleasure of being tattooed by him yet but I plan on it soon.
Favorite shoe store: IRON FIST!!! FUN on the RUN!!
Celebrity fashion influences: yeah that’s funny… i just do me.
Beauty tip: okay ladies as an Esthetician and Makeup Artist here is the biggest tip ever…“NOTHING”S WORTH A WRINKLE”… there will always be a hotter better looking guy for you out there, there will always be a way to smooth out those lumps and bumps and make your tits look bigger and pores smaller…. So quit your bitch’n and live life!!!
Fashion tip: its all about the shoes.
What are 3 items you can't leave the house without: My iphone 4, “Fabby” MAC lipstick, and bobbypins
Describe your everyday beauty routine in the morning: Clarisonic everyday. Huge must! Keeps my skin pimple free and smooth as a babies bottom. Derma Doctor skincare everything. This line truly has kept me 18 forever. My favorite product by them is my Poetry in Lotion Retinol Peel AAAmazing! Then its my makeup a collective mix of Givenchy, MakeupForever, MAC, OCC, and more! Then its Spritz Spritz on my perfume of choice. I change my perfume with my moods. And then I scrunch my hair and run out the door.
Describe your style in 3 words: Unique. Bold. Rocker.
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